Thursday, October 31, 2019
Substandard Patient Care or Health Care Delivery Paper Essay
Substandard Patient Care or Health Care Delivery Paper - Essay Example Five years later, since his last admission due to Upper respiratory infection, he was again admitted for three days due to URI accompanied with Rheumatoid Arthritis and in the month of September 2005, he was treated for Gastritis. Anywhere around the world, there seemed to be an outbreak of Respiratory infections which includes viruses such as the influenza virus, SARS, and now the avian flu virus. Respiratory illness is a common chronic health problem and places a significant financial burden on the health care system. Respiratory symptoms are significantly higher among poorer children, those in the inner city, and among minority populations. Immigrants from outside North America and Europe constitute over twenty percent of Metro Toronto residents, yet relatively little is known about their experience of respiratory illness. (Thompson et. Al. 2004) There have been many organizations that focus on the needs of the ill older adults. NHS organisations in England recognises the importance of the NSF for Older People and the emerging practice and policies related to this, such as Intermediate Care, the single assessment process, the 1999 Health Act Flexibilities and has responded by re-focusing its activity to realign more closely with the local and national priorities. (2005) Published in 2001, this NSF focuses on people who are over 50 and still active but who need to be able to maximise and maintain their health as well as people with age related needs who may have more complex social and medical problems. (2005) The Department of Health, Services and Social Safety applies palliative care services which aims to achieve the best quality of life possible for patients and their family through active identification, holistic assessment and appropriate management of problems, when progressive advanced disease is not responsive to curative treatment.(29) There are over a half million older adult aged 65 or over who are living in care homes (nursing and personal care) and a large number end their lives in these care settings. Unfortunately, care homes can only provide appropriate terminal care if barriers to the provision of care are addressed. The National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services (NCH&SPCS) holds documents containing practice recommendations and therefore, the provision of appropriate terminal care makes the process of dying more comfortable and meaningful for a person and their family. Nightingale's (1860) theory on nursing evolves around the concept that the patient's recovery is highly related to the conditions of his environment. The environment of a patient has a direct effect on his recovery or his deterioration. According to Nightingale, "Nature alone cures." With that she stresses on the healing properties of the physical environment of the patient; fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness and a suitable diet. The environment not only refers to the physical aspect but also to the psychological and social environment surrounding the patient. Healthy communication with the patient and healthy environment keeps the patient's mind active and stimulated. Here Nightingale stresses that communication should be soothing and a form of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Personal exercise program Essay Example for Free
Personal exercise program Essay The majority of my results were in the area of good or average, this majority is one of 72%. As a whole I am fairly happy with these results, as there is room for improvement all over. The test, in which I scored poorly in such as the sergeant jump, press-ups and chin-ups, I fully expected. This was due to the reason that knowing with in my self that my body was not up to the standards of other in my group or age. These tests are ones in which I hope to improve in over the next five weeks of my training. As these are key areas to my game which will be mentioned further on in this piece of work. However there are some good points in my results. These are they tests which I scored good and excellent in, such as sit ups and 30meter sprint. These as are some of the results, which I am hopping to maintain through out the 5 weeks and the retest. I have also chosen to ignore three results. Theses are balance, dynamic hand strength left and right. I have chosen to ignore these results, as I do not fell that they can benefit me in any way to my chosen sport. Overall there is a lot of room for improvement Health and skill related components of fitness: Health factors: These health related factors are physiologically based and rely on the performers ability to meet the physical demands of the activity Speed: Speed can be defined as: The ability to put body parts into motion quickly, or the maximum rate that a person can move over a specific distance To test speed we carried out the following test. Place 2 cones 30m apart from each other. At a running start, run as fast as possible between the two cones whilst a person times you. This test is valid as it tests a persons speed over a certain distance. This single periodisation year can be further broken down into further stages or cycles. Macrocycles last from 4 to 6 weeks, mesocycles about 2weeks and microcycles 1 week. Each cycle would be in relation to current levels of skill and fitness and would prepare for a specific competitive peak. This in my case would be the start of a football season. This is known as the competitive period and is during the months of Augusts to May. Now I have just done the pre season training as such which is the preparatory period. I will do a 5-week macrocycle specifically to improve my upper and lower body strength as well as aerobic capacity. There will not be many seasonal factors that will hinder my progress as I am training indoors which there fore manes I can control the temperature and weather. Fitness requirements needed for my specific sport and position: My sport is football, and position is central midfield. In the game of football there are many different requirements that performer needs to do well in the sport. The overall aim of this piece of work is to single out the key requirements which are needed and improve on them to enhance my performance. Below I have outlined the key requirements: Health related: Strength: Strength in both the upper part of the body and lower part of the body is needed for a central midfielder. For instance leg power is needed to allow the performer to pass the pass long distances and to shoot from long range as thats is where the most of there opportunities will come from due to the position they occupy. Upper body strength is needed to keep other players from getting the ball of you and being strong in tackles. Flexibility: This helps a midfielder hugely, as they must be able to turn and move or twist with a degree of easy and simplicity. Aerobic capacity: This may also be known as VO2 max, this plays a vital role. Vo2 max is the ability to take on oxygen during exercise, allowing for the performer to participate in prolonged periods of continuos submaximual activities, which is important to a midfielders game. Body composition: This is important because, as people start to carry more body fat they can become over weigh. This will lead to health problems as the additional weight puts strain on the hearts and cardiovascular system, which can cause cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Being over weight will also hinder your performance as a central midfield player, as you will tire easier and quicker and happier your speed in which u may move around the pitch. Skill related: Speed: The game of football has develops into a much faster game, and it is carrying on in this trend. Speed is important for a central midfielder, as it is important that a player is able to track an opponents run, carry the ball at high speeds up and down the field, and generally to keep up with the pace of the ball. It is important for a performer in this position to compete at a high standard for a period of 90min (or duration of match). Cardio-vascular endurance is also important in the game of football as it is a continuos game. Co-ordination: This is the process involved in the reception of the sensory info, and the response of the organism. It is controlled by the regions of the brain, which deal with a specific function and is carried out by the nervous system. Co-ordination effects the way u performs in many ways as the player must be able to spot many players both opposition and own team-mates. Foot and eye co-ordination is also needed for obvious reasons are football you need to have good foot and eye co-ordination to be a good player. Agility: This is a combination of speed and co-ordination giving you a change of direction and body position at speed. This is vital for a central midfielder as it allows the performer to change direction and body position at speeds at which the game might be moving. This was my third session and overall I can say it well. Again I found moving from exercise machine to another quick, as I am getting use to how to use the machines and the positions at which they are situated in the gym. As you can see from the pervious page I made a lot of changes to this session as I found session 2 not very challenging. However I found this session a lot more effective. After the session had finished I felt that I was really worked to my full potential and really gained something from it. The changes were no major shock to my body though but as mentioned I did feel the effects of the changes. This is one of the main reasons why no changes will be made to my next session, due to the fact that I do not think my current level of fitness is ready in relation to changes from this session, and will not make any changes. I will hopefully feel ready to make changes after my next session (session 4). I did find though that once I had finished my aerobic work out and was ready to move on from this to the weight training I found myself needing to take water on board, as I was thirsty. This was not a planned change from session 2 but from now I feel it necessary to take water on board in-between the to training. Changes for session 4: 1. Intake of water when moving from cross trainer to Gastrocnmius press As mentioned before no changes were made to the sessions as such, because I felt the session worked me to my full potential and my current fitness levels would be ready for any to a change. You may argue that by not changing anything that I will not improve, but taking into account the principle of training progression which should be gradual, and reflect my current fitness levels. And too much progression in a short space of time could cause injury, and as many changes were made to session 3 from session 2, I feel this is the correct decision.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
SWOT Analysis of Ultra Tech Cement Industry
SWOT Analysis of Ultra Tech Cement Industry The SWOT analysis about Ultra Tech cement and its position in the market. The company is one of the best in the cement industry, analysing it through the different framework of analysis in order to judge the actual situational and industrial position of the company in order to find out how actually is the company doing. The company is facing a lot of problem regarding its promotion and marketing techniques due to which it faces a short of awareness in the market due to which people are not aware of the product but instead of all the problems it is quite stable and maintain its position in the market. After performing Swot analysis of the company by reviewing porters 5 forces and pestel analysis companys strategic standing and positioning have been analysed. Currently the company is having a better standing as threat of entry is very low due to high initial funds required to establish the factory setup. Contents INTRODUCTION: Ultra Tech is Indias biggest exporter of cement clinker. The companys production plants have increase across eleven integrated area, one white cement plant, twelve grinding units and five terminals four in India and one in Sri Lanka. Most of the plants have ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification. In addition, two plants have outcome ISO 27001 certification and four have received SA 8000 certification. The process of certification is at present started for the left over plants. The company exports over 2.5 million tons per annum, which is about 30 per cent of the countrys total exports. The export market comprises of countries around the Indian Ocean, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.Ãâà Export is a pressure area in the companys strategy for growth. Worlds top 10 cement companies comprises of Ultra Tech Cement Limited. The company has an annual capacity of 48.8 million tones, and manufactures and markets ordinary There is blast furnace slag cement and There is Pozzol ana cement. The companys subsidiaries are Dakshin Cements Limited, Harish Cements Limited; there is Ceylinco (P) Limited and Ultra Tech Cement Middle East Investments Limited. (Kalesh, 2009) SWOT ANALYSIS: STRENGTHS: Cement demand has grown in tandem with strong economic growth derived from: Growth in housing sector (over 30%) key demand driver. Infrastructure projects like ports, airports, power projects, dam irrigation Projects. National Highway Development Programme. Bharat Nirman Yojana for rural infrastructure and rise in industrial projects. Production The companys production facilities are spread across 11 integrated plants, one white cement plant, 12 grinding units and 5 terminals, 4 in India and one in Sri Lanka. High quality cement production is increasing annually.Ãâà Annual production capacity is 23.10 million tones. Use of high-end equipment such as the Gamma Metrics Machine and the X-ray Analyser ensures that each product passing out of company. There is manufacturing facility adheres to global standards of quality andÃâà performance. Logistics: Ultra Tech Can directly deal with the limestone tenders and thus the middle man do not affect its cost. Company use the local transporters which provide the efficient transportation cost. Thereby reducing the extra expense and making cement more economical for the local man to afford. Plantation: Ultra techs manufacturing plant uses ultra-modern technology and imported machinery. Companys Unit at Koala is the only Unit in this sector in India to have a desalination plant. It is used for meeting the water needs of the plant and the colony. The waste gases from the cooler are used in the desalination plant. that makes the product recyclable and environmental friendly thereby contributing to the environment. The Ultra Tech cement manufacturing the greenbelt at companys Units is simply awesome and is surrounded by trees all around. At some points, company is advancing to achieve the skyline. Only the leaves and the flowers and hear the cacophony of the birds.Ãâà Companys CSR (corporate social responsibility) activities extend to 127 villages, in proximity to its plants, across the country. (William B. Werther, David B. Chandler, 2010) Brand Positioning: In the world, Aditya Birla Group is the eighth largest cement player. Ultra Techs products include Ordinary Portland cement, Portland Pozzolana cement and Portland blast furnace slag cement. The company exports over 2.5 million tons per annum, which is about 30 per cent to the countrys total exports. Ordinary There is cement is the most commonly used cement for a wide range of process. Applications cover dry-lean mixes, general-purpose ready-mixes, and even high strengthÃâà pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete. OPC(ordinary Portland cement) is used for applications, such as commercial buildings, industrial constructions, Multi storied complexes, cement concrete roads and heavy duty floors. PPC ( Portland Pozzolana cement )cement is used forÃâà big construction like dam and thermal powerÃâà plant. Distribution Channels: Ultra Techs distribution network is very widely spread out in the country with over 5,500 dealers and 30,000 retailers with its strong distribution channels currently Ultratech is starting to acquire a strong positioning in the market giving head on competition to its rivals. Quality: All the plants of Ultra tech are ISO 14001 Environment Management Systems certified sustain toÃâà OHSAS 18001 standards. Clean technologies and processes that combine economic progress and sustainable environment are adopted by the company for better performance. There is plants at Awarpur and Ratnagiri in Maharashtra; There is Jafrabad and Magdalla in Gujarat; Hirmi in Chhattisgarh; Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu; Tadipatri in Andhra Pradesh; Jharsuguda in Orissa and DurgapurÃâà in West Bengal.Ãâà They have won the Capexil Certificate of Export Recognition Top Exporter -Cement, Clinker, Asbestos and Cement Products for the years 2000, 2002 and2003. Bhartiya Udyog Ratan Award presented to Sh. KYP Kulkarni By Indian Economic Development Research Association (IEDRA) for good quality of cement to customer, New Delhi in 2004. (Narayanan, 2007) WEAKNESSESS: Cement Industry is highly fragmented and it is also highly regionalized and Low value commodity makes transportation over long distances uneconomical. Not available in all the places: Ultra tech is not available at all the places as it is not manufactured at all places and all plants are not available everywhere due to which people cannot find it everywhere hence the profit margins are affected to a greater extend. Human Resource: Due to openness in the Ultra techs work culture which is very informal that does not suit forÃâà better management in corporate . The environment being very informal affects the management a lot as being the management they have to maintain a distance and discipline but due to the openness there is no such thing and they face a lot difficulty to control. And Ultra tech has insufficient man power due to its easy recruiting and selection method. Marketing: Lack of awareness program for consumers due to low promotion mix: the company faces the problem of proper promotion due to which the customers doesnt know much about the product resulting into less sales of the product instead of being a good product. Lack of marketing mix: Ãâà the company suffers with the problem of proper marketing mix which in return results into the whole confusion state and the product does not reach to the customers properly and in fact a lot of them dont know about it also. Delay in supply: the company being situated in the outer parts of the city and its plant not being located in every city causes delay in the supply of the product. (Porter, 1988) Health: Highly dusty environment at the time of dumping the cement is hazardous forÃâà health. It affects humans respiratory system adversely. Ultra tech is therefore not contributing to society as its corporate social responsibility remains unfulfilled due to many hazards. Others: Cement industry is highly fragmented and regionalized as Low value commodity makes. As transportation over long distances is uneconomical for value sector, so cost of transporting cement is high and this keeps cement from being profitable over long distances. In other talks, shipping cement costs more than the profit from selling it. PESTEL ANALYSIS: Analysing the above through pestel framework Ultratech was highly affected by the environmental factors. As cement plants are very harmful for the environment causing a lot of pollution and is harmful for the health of human being hence proving that the environmentally it is not good and hence its plants all are made to be situated outside the city where the population rate is low or no population. So Ultratech is bearing great difficulty in managing the environment along with the health issues. OPPORTUNITIES: With the low per capita consumption of cement in India 102 kg compared to the global average of 260 kg and the emphasis on infrastructure development, Ultra tech has ample opportunity to ride the growth curve. Ultratech can develop new marketing area. It can sign MOUs (memorandum of understanding) withÃâà government regarding supply of cement forÃâà government work. Ultratech can also maintain the position of competition in the market. Institutional market like corporate and offices, school society complexes are growing in large scale, which will increase the requirement. People are opting for more stable structures and good future, so large use of cement is taking place, so government isÃâà spending heavily on infrastructure project as Indian industry base is growing rapidly Thus, this is the right time to fully invest in these market. There is regular demand of cement which in turn will increase foreign investment in this sector. As roadsÃâà transformation proce ss is going on throughÃâà which the traditional method of road building will be convert by modern concrete roads. Substantially lower per capita cement consumption as compared to developing countries (1/3 rd of world average) Per capita cement consumption in India is 82 kgs against a global average of 255 kgs and Asian average of 200 kgs. For green field capacity 20 million tons per annum will be required to match the demand in pipeline for other two years leading to favourable demand supply scenario. (verma, 2008) THREATS:Ãâà As huge cement industry emerge there is more competition for ACC (Associated Cement Companies) to carefully enhanced its price , product and at the same time satisfy its dealers and customers. Cheap priced brand are capturing like a mushroom to lower income customerÃâà base. Players such as Jaypee Cement, Prism Cement, and Birla cement. ACC cement are eating up considerable market share. Due to India satisfy growth many new international cement companies are expected in coming years which will bring enormous change and can start price war. Government intervention to adjust cement prices Transportation cost is upgrading. Due toÃâà loading restriction there is overloading industrialist shows increase in costs due to the shortage in coal industry. Many retailers are influence by better profit margin, andÃâà other Benefits because of small industries increase competition among them, which in turn give heavy discount to customer and start malpractices. Timber is also being considered as one of the substitutes of cement, which is cheap and long lasting. Due to continuous attack of earthquake, many countries like Japan, Indonesia, Singapore etc are now using timber in construction since those areas are high earthquake affected. (Kalesh, 2009) PORTERS 5-FORCE MODEL(THREAT) ANALYSIS: Analysing the above through the five forces framework: Threat of New Entrants: TheÃâà high costs are major entry barrier for the entry of new players. The high shipment costs make it difficult to import cement. Cement being a high volume low value commodity results in high goods costs, which makes cement imports economically unlikely. Domestic Cement industry is highly integrated from global cement markets. Making cement duty free, as cement is being imported from neighbouring countries. However, due to logistics issues and lack of port, handling capabilities, imports of cement will remain negligible and do not pose a threat to domestic industry of Ultratech. Competitive rivalry between existing players: Previously the rivalry was strong among the players, as the industry was not consolidated. During the last few years the industry has become more consolidated with the Top 3 players Ultratech is having a combined market share of 49 percent in 2005-06 as compared to 32 Percent in 1999-2000. (Porter, 1988) Its competitive analysis is as follows: Domestic players competing Ultratech are: Associated Cement Companies Ltd (ACCL) Associated Cement Companies Ltd manufactures ordinary Portland cement, composite cement and special cement and has begun offering its marketing expertise and distribution facilities to other producers in cement and related areas. The company plans capital expenditure through expansion of existing units and/or through acquisitions. Birla Corp Birla Corps product portfolio includes acetylene gas, auto trim parts, casting, cement, jute goods, yarn, calcium carbide etc. The cement division has an installed capacity of 4.78 million metric tones and produced 4.77 million metric tones of cement in 2003-04. The company has two plants in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan and one each in West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh and holds a market share of 4.1 per cent. Going forward, the company is setting up its captive Power plant to remain cost competitive. Madras Cements Madras Cements Ltd is one of the oldest cement companies in the southern region and is a part of the Armco group. The company is engaged in cement, clinker, dolomite, dry mortar mix, limestone; ready mix cements (RMC) and units generated from windmills. Lafarge India Lafarge India Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of the Lafarge Group, has a total cement capacity of 5 million tonne and a clinker capacity of 3 million tonne in the country. Lafarge commenced operations in 1999 and currently has a market share of 3.4 per cent. It exports clinker and cement to Bangladesh and Nepal. It produces Portland slag cement, ordinary Portland cement and Portland Pozzolana cement. Grasim-Ultra Tech Cemco Grasims product profile includes viscose staple fiber (VSF), grey cement, white cement, sponge iron, chemicals andÃâà textiles. With the acquisition ofÃâà Ultra Tech, L Ts cement division inÃâà early 2004, Grasim hasÃâà now become the worlds seventh largest cement producer with aÃâà combined capacity of 31million tones. Grasim (with Ultra Tech) held a marketÃâà share of around 21 perÃâà cent in 2005-06. Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd (GACL) Gujarat Ambuja wasÃâà set up inÃâà 1986 with the commencement ofÃâà commercial production at its 2 million tonneÃâà plant in Chandrapur, Maharashtra. The group has clinker manufacturing facilities at Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Punjab and Rajasthan. The company has a market share of around 10 per cent, with aÃâà strong foothold in the northern and western markets. ItsÃâà total sales aggregated US$ 526Ãâà millionwith a capacity ofÃâà 12.6 million tonne in 2003-04. Gujarat Ambuja is one ofÃâà Indias largest cement exporter and one ofÃâà the most cost efficient firms. It hasÃâà also earmarked around US$ 195-220 million for acquisitions Cements Ltd. CONCLUSION: As India is the second largest producer of cement in the worlds many big player presents in the market after that Ultratech cement increases his market share due to the high growth rate of real estate. Because of continuously growth of ultra tech cement after little yearÃâà company may occur top cement manufacturer in India. After swot analysis of Ultra Tech I found that company has many strength, but few weakness also present, there are various opportunities for companyÃâà in IndiaÃâà and other Asian countries because the infrastructure is continuously developing. Company has won the best Employer award in 2007, so young generation have various career opportunities in it. Overall performance of company is increasing continuouslyÃâà in each sectorÃâà like as Production, HR, Marketing it is good for company it is soon about to establish a strong brand name in the industry due to its good quality and reputed image that is making it exclusive from its competitor s.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hamlet Essay -- essays papers
Hamlet William Shakespeare composed the play Hamlet, around 1600-1601. This play, named after his only son, in my opinion is one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s best works. The play shows the literal as well as the realistic sides of people during this culture as well as those generations to come. During the play, Hamletââ¬â¢s character went through several different transitions. In the beginning he was shown as a child, by his actions and curiosity, but towards the end of play his manhood begins surface and he begins to be aggressive at getting what he wants. Hamlet is full of mysterious relationships. Hamlets relationship with his so called friends (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern), his relationship with Ophelia (he proclaims his love at the end) and certainly his relationship with his father/uncle Claudius are all very mysterious in how theyââ¬â¢re played out through their characters in the play. The relationship that stood out in my mind was the one between Hamlet and his mother Gertrude. Although Gertrude is the person that Hamlet has the most inner conflict with, he still loves his mother as most children do. As a mother figure, Gertrude is supposed to be the perfect one- with out any impurities or errors. When Hamlet realizes that his mother is a flawed, sinful women, whoââ¬â¢s sexual appetite is so deviant she takes on her brother in-law, Hamlets whole view changes. How could the women who just buried her husband become a blushing bride so rapidly? After Hamlet contemplates all of this, how can he trust any woman when his own mother betrayed his father? When Hamlet has thoughts of his mother he is affected both emotionally and psychologically. He is affected emotionally because it is his mother, his own blood that is apart of the ... ... he over re-acts and the ghost of his father appears to remind him of why he was there. Gertrude senses Hamlets anger after he kills Polonius and asked what have I done? Hamlets reply was one full of grief, anxiety and anger. He begins to tell his mother of what he knows and what he expects from her. Not to share her bed with Claudius as well as take part in any more corruption. Gertrude then begins to see that her son is not mad with sickness, but is more mad with anger over her stupidity. Hamlet has let his mother become his main role model for all women in the world and that is why he is so negative towards women. Gertrude has influenced Hamlet more then anyone in the play. Although the influence is negative, it has made Hamlet look at other sides of people and take them for what they are. He has a better out look on life even though it has cost him greatly.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Great Gatsby: “It is Nick who makes Jay Gatsby into The Great Gatsby”
The ambiguous ââ¬Å"greatnessâ⬠of Jay Gatsby is imparted to the reader through the thoughts and observations of Nick Carraway, a character who is personally involved in the intricate events and relationships featured in the plot. He is therefore an excellent choice of narrator as this participatory role places him beside the ââ¬Ëgreat' namesake of the book, which is essentially how he appears to portray the idealistic, materialistic and yet naive character of Jay Gatsby. In using Nick as such a device, Fitzgerald presents an insight into Gatsby which is gradually developed from ambiguity to admiration as he refines Nick's perception throughout the ââ¬Ëriotous excursion'- as Nick metaphorically describes the action of the novel ââ¬â and establishes his often negative outlook on the selfishness, greed and moral corruption of American society. Nick is conveniently able to acquire this personal knowledge of Gatsby through his approachability, causing other characters to confide in him through his inclination ââ¬Å"to reserve judgementâ⬠. However, his negative judgement of society (from which Gatsby is ââ¬Ëexempt') ironically contradicts his initial claim to impartiality, and Nick continues to judge people thereafter. This reveals his viewpoint to be increasingly subjective and lends his character the virtues of being realistic, thus possessing human failings which evoke a more complete persona, and not merely a mouthpiece for Fitzgerald's thoughts. However, covertly, he also communicates the author's condemnation of 20's society as his own, since Fitzgerald has incorporated such judgements into his personality, creating the illusion of an impartial narrator while pursuing his satirical condemnation of the Jazz Age and his apparent admiration of the idealism implicit in the American Dream (represented by Gatsby's impossible optimism). Indeed, Fitzgerald's use of this ââ¬Å"intelligent but sympathetic observerâ⬠at the centre of events ââ¬Å"makes for some of the most priceless values in fictionâ⬠(William Troy, 1945). The values of ââ¬Å"economy and intensityâ⬠are achieved by his central role in events, while ââ¬Å"suspenseâ⬠is achieved through Nick's personal flaw of not fully perceiving Gatsby's character, causing revelations about Gatsby's past and present to be frequent and striking. We think particularly of how Gatsby ââ¬Å"came aliveâ⬠to Nick in Chapter 4 through Jordan's reminiscing, and of how, in Chapter 9, revelations are still made after his death (such as the schedule brought to Nick's attention by Gatsby's father) which consolidate Nick's respect for his extensive ambition. Nick's perception of Gatsby is limited in certain aspects as the latter is an ambiguous character, though this incomplete knowledge does not deter Nick's positive view, which develops from not knowing Gatsby at all to admiring him for his strangely noble, if delusory, dream. Gatsby's ambiguity simply fuels fascination in Nick, who uses the adulatory adjective ââ¬Å"gorgeousâ⬠to describe him, and proceeds in his narrative to seek the reason for this attraction in the mystery of Gatsby. The apparent bias presented in Nick's narration may also be due to many connections felt with Gatsby as a result of similarities between both their characters and Fitzgerald himself: many of Gatsby's characteristics are often Fitzgerald's own, incorporated into his character alongside Nick's. Just as the author had fought in the war, so have his characters, a fact which had taken Daisy away from Gatsby and excitement away from Nick's life as he ââ¬Å"came back restlessâ⬠. They both seek to reclaim these things, Nick by coming East and Gatsby by reacquiring Daisy's love. Nick empathizes with Gatsby's longing, and here perhaps Fitzgerald incorporates his own experience of losing the affections of his first love, Ginevra King, this failure in achieving his own dream revealing bias in the author himself. This may be the reason for the author positing that Gatsby is ââ¬Å"greatâ⬠while also impressing his negative opinion on the causes of both his and Gatsby's failure ââ¬â in this case society, and the class differences which precluded Fitzgerald's relationship with the wealthier King. In the wider context of social satire, this contrast between dreams and failure is analogous to the rich and poor within American society, and is portrayed through the rather obvious symbolism of the ââ¬Å"Valley of Ashesâ⬠whose uncomfortable proximity to the higher class Eggs foregrounds the vast disparity between rich and poor in the Roaring Twenties. Initially Nick only perceives the visible side of Gatsby ââ¬â his material possessions and his parties where guests ââ¬Å"came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the starsâ⬠in Chapter 3. He describes the parties as dreamlike, perhaps reflecting Gatsby's outlook on life, and tempting, as wealth was in 1920s America. Fitzgerald's simile of the guests being insect-like expresses Nick's observation of the superficial materialism and immorality of American society (emphasized in the former quotation by the sibilance of ââ¬Å"whisperingsâ⬠), as they are only tempted by Gatsby's wealth, drawn like moths to his light, while making Gatsby seem somehow compelling and superior to them as they revolve around him In direct contrast to such shallowness, Fitzgerald reveals Nick's admiration for Gatsby's ââ¬Å"romantic readinessâ⬠, and his ââ¬Å"infinite hopeâ⬠in his idealistic love of Daisy, to further build the ââ¬Å"greatâ⬠element of Gatsby's personality as it is discovered. This aspect of Gatsby, when introduced, also makes him ââ¬Å"more realâ⬠(EK 1925) and empathetic, than American society of the time, as his dream is revealed to be for love, not material status. These poetic descriptions, though also used ââ¬Ëin order to persuade us that Gatsby is a man of poetic sensibilityâ⬠, do not imply that ââ¬Å"Fitzgerald takes the dangerous, no-hands course of simply saying soâ⬠as Kenneth Tynan (1974) states. In fact, Nick's positive opinions of Gatsby are developed very subtly and implied throughout events in the plot. These gradually build the impression of Gatsby's imaginative and beautiful sensibility, such as Nick's discovery of his idealism regarding Daisy's love. At times, such usages of poetic narrative depictions contrast sharply with the dull, bare portrayal of the poorer sections of society. To this end, light is used by Nick in positive descriptions throughout the novel, his own and Fitzgerald's fascination with modern developments of his time projected through Nick's observant and admiring documentation of places lit by electric lighting, such as Gatsby's house which was ââ¬Ëblazing with light,' and the important symbol of Gatsby's ââ¬Å"hopeâ⬠for Daisy's love ââ¬â the symbolic green light at the end of Daisy's dock, ultimately described, with pity, as an ââ¬Å"illusion. Light is thus used in a symbol of both Nick's admiration felt at Gatsby's ââ¬Å"hopeâ⬠, and his sympathy as it is for an immaterial romantic goal (love), which disregards Gatsby's material prominence. Nick also favourably compares Gatsby to a seismograph; an ââ¬Ëintricate' device driven by unknown/seen forces which mirrors Nick's own impression o f him. This analogy is not merely an ââ¬Å"aptâ⬠¦ symbol for the human sensibility in a mechanized ageâ⬠(Edwin S. Fussell 1952), showing Nick's focus on material developments; it is also clearly used to accentuate his opinions on how admirable Gatsby's ââ¬Å"heightened sensibilityâ⬠is. Nick's use of such comparisons also suggests the ambiguity in his rendering of Gatsby. Nick only makes us aware of Gatsby's personality in strategically placed narrative elements. These staged revelations, though revealing aspects of Gatsby that hint at criminality (like his activities in Chicago and various other rumours) simultaneously emphasize his admirable qualities such as his prizing of Daisy's love. Indeed, Nick's narration increasingly overlooks Gatsby's flaws, both his and Fitzgerald's views increasingly colouring the tale and casting Gatsby's dream in a positive light. By creating this empathy with Gatsby, Fitzgerald effectively communicates the intense disappointment felt at the intrusion of reality on idealism in the final chapters of the novel, and sympathy for the failure of Gatsby's dream is invoked. Clearly, though Maxwell E Perkins (1924) feels that Gatsby's ambiguity is ââ¬Å"mistakenâ⬠as it makes his character more nebulous, Fitzgerald actually uses this as a main method of drawing the reader into a prominent theme of illusion, the ultimate illusion being love itself. The mysteriousness of Gatsby is also used to enable Nick's ââ¬Å"growth in moral perceptionâ⬠(Troy 1945) which Troy describes as a ââ¬Å"necessityâ⬠in such a narrator; Nick gradually perceives Gatsby's ââ¬Å"moralâ⬠side- his ââ¬Å"innate purityâ⬠, and society's lack of this in comparison, subsequently favouring Gatsby and giving some credibility to EK's evaluation of Gatsby being ââ¬Å"more realâ⬠than the other characters due to the paradoxically pure nature of his dream. In this respect, Chapter 4 is used to further Nick's, and the reader's, positive perception of Gatsby. It features Jordan recounting a ââ¬Å"romanticâ⬠memory of Daisy's former relationship with Gatsby, Fitzgerald effectively digressing from Nick's narration in order to impart a very deliberate and important revelation from Gatsby's past. It is this relationship which Gatsby seeks to reclaim by means of his wealth, and is the basis of the ââ¬Å"romantic readinessâ⬠admired in him by Nick. Nick subsequently colours his narrative with the new awareness and says that Gatsby ââ¬Å"came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendorâ⬠. With this metaphor of a birth, Fitzgerald makes a clear effort to separate Gatsby's huge vitality from the ââ¬Å"purposeless splendourâ⬠of materialism, and, by extension, of American society, which he condemns through Nick's judgement of it. In Chapter 6 Fitzgerald again manipulates narrative structure in Nick's tale of Gatsby's origins, as at this stage in the plot's chronology Nick is not privy to this information- it was imparted by Gatsby himself ââ¬Å"very much laterâ⬠in the novel, and is presented achronologically to renew readers' faith in Gatsby before it is severely challenged in chapter 8, ââ¬Å"with the idea of exploding those first wild rumors about his antecedenceâ⬠. Fitzgerald reveals a specific part of Gatsby's background through Nick's narration, selected to instill sympathy for Gatsby in the reader by describing his younger self's (Gatz's) upward struggle from poverty, and the author's admiration for the idealistic dreams that had spurred him to create a ââ¬Å"universe of ineffable gaudinessâ⬠that he elaborated nightly until ââ¬Å"wedding [these] visions to [Daisy's] breathâ⬠. This metaphor reveals the uniting of Gatsby's original ambitions with a dream of love, and is also used to invoke sympathy for the extent to which his dreams are ultimately and perhaps tragically revealed to have gone ââ¬Å"beyond her, beyond everythingâ⬠. This revelation of Gatsby's ââ¬Å"childlike notion of beauty and graceâ⬠(Maxwell Geismar 1947) is illustrated by this analeptic episode, strongly suggesting Gatsby's ultimate innocence and ââ¬Å"pureâ⬠dreams beneath his materialistic exterior Fitzgerald presents the social context of the novel through the transformation of the American Dream in the '20s: the new generation of Americans were ââ¬Å"dedicated more than the last to the fear of poverty and the worship of successâ⬠, as Fitzgerald himself had stated at the time. Society's material methods of gaining this success are portrayed negatively through Nick's condemnation of the Dream, as Nick has established himself as valuing morals and hard work highly; his family had become ââ¬Å"prominentâ⬠through ownership of a ââ¬Å"wholesale hardware businessâ⬠, while Fitzgerald's own childhood took place in a farming, working environment. Similarly, the values admired in Gatz's willingness and determination to work for and succeed in gaining his dreams are symbolically those lost values of society that had appealed to Fitzgerald, and would appeal to Nick's sensibilities, which is why Nick still portrays Gatsby as being ââ¬Å"greatâ⬠in contrast to Jazz Age society which seeks goals through material means rather than hard work. This is paradoxically true in spite of Gatsby's own materialism, because the latter is portrayed as unimportant to Gatsby beside his love for Daisy. Through Nick's narrative, then, Gatsby is presented as embodying the old work ethic of a meritocracy but also its transformation to materialism, and ultimately the unattainable goals of the American Dream, this factor essentially providing the grounds for seeing Gatsby as a tragic hero. His idealistic dreams as Gatz are implied to be ââ¬Å"incommunicable for ever,â⬠as they are, in fact, ââ¬Å"wed to Daisy's breathâ⬠which is just as perishable as his money. In Chapter 7, Tom's revelations about Gatsby's criminal bootlegging cause the brittle faiade of Jay Gatsby to be ââ¬Å"broken up like glassâ⬠against Tom's ââ¬Å"hard maliceâ⬠, this simile depicting Nick's dislike of the malicious Tom and of the superficiality of the American Dream, but also, crucially, the way Gatsby's dreams have been demolished due to his ââ¬Å"reliance upon material power as the single method of satisfying his searching and inarticulate spiritâ⬠(Maxwell Geismar 1947). Gatsby is thus left ââ¬Å"watching over nothingâ⬠, this nihilistic phrase ending the chapter and corroborating the sympathy felt by Nick at the hopelessness of Gatsby's ââ¬Å"dead dreamâ⬠, making Nick ââ¬Å"not want to leave himâ⬠. With his death in Chapter 8, this sympathy might indeed render Gatsby not merely ââ¬Å"greatâ⬠, but genuinely tragic. Thus as readers, we feel ultimately that Nick's (or Fitzgerald's) message is that the ââ¬Å"colossal vitality of [Gatsby's] illusionâ⬠is curtailed by the faults of society and that Gatsby himself, by contrast, is ââ¬Å"greaterâ⬠than his social milieu. Gatsby's is ââ¬Å"the tragedy of a romanticist in a materialist societyâ⬠(Kuehl, 1959), his immaterial dreams inevitably perishing in the face of society, the hopelessness that it's glamorous exterior encloses, communicated throughout the novel both by the satire of the parties, the obvious symbolic qualities of the Valley of Ashes, the similarly tragic George Wilson, and the doomed Myrtle. Clearly, though John McCormick (1971) regards Daisy as ââ¬Å"the agent of Gatsby's downfall, just as she had been the agent of his rise,â⬠the apparent cause of Gatsby's failure ââ¬Å"went beyond her,â⬠being the ââ¬Å"vital illusionâ⬠created by society which had surpassed Daisy; she had only been the springboard for his ideals. The author's message is ultimately a poignant one of hope being obscured by failure, communicating both Fitzgerald's admiration of such dreams, and contempt of the reality which smothers them. In this sense, Nick's voice in the novel is undeniably Fitzgerald's. Having said this, Nick is rendered sufficiently autonomous to be a convincing narrator in his own right, as Gatsby finally also receives sympathy due to tangible affinities formed with him, such as that of disillusionment, which Nick empathizes with as he has been a victim of his own illusion regarding the true nature of Daisy and Jordan, and Gatsby's character itself. A ââ¬Å"growth in moral perceptionâ⬠(when applied to Nick) is ââ¬Å"the tale of the novelâ⬠(Troy, 1945) as it is this which ensures Nick's positive portrayal of Gatsby: Nick comes to discover his true history and admired ambition as Gatz, as well as the ultimate tragedy of his still believing, in the face of such adversity as his ââ¬Å"dead dream. This moving naivety clearly proves, however, that in Gatsby's case any growth in moral perception does not apply; even though Daisy has clearly returned to Tom's alluring wealth in Chapter 8, Gatsby innocently, and dumbly, states, ââ¬Å"I suppose Daisy'll call, too,â⬠not perceiving the immorality of the age he lives in. As Kuehl (1959) says, ââ¬Å"it is illusion, and not it's materializationâ⬠which is the centre of Gatsby's character ââ¬â he is a dreamer despite his material status, and his ââ¬Å"heightenedâ⬠goals will never be materialized, making them pale in comparison to the concrete aspirations o f society and contradicting E. K's evaluation ââ¬â Gatsby is not precisely ââ¬Å"more realâ⬠than society, but he is ââ¬Å"greaterâ⬠in many ways, as both Nick and Fitzgerald successfully portray him at the close of the novel: the noble dreams that inspire Nick's admiration within Gatsby are only unattainable due to denounced external factors, and therefore ultimately do not subtract from Gatsby's tragically ââ¬Å"greatâ⬠portrayal.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
African Moral Values Can Complement Christian Moral Values Religion Essay Essay Example
African Moral Values Can Complement Christian Moral Values Religion Essay Essay Example African Moral Values Can Complement Christian Moral Values Religion Essay Essay African Moral Values Can Complement Christian Moral Values Religion Essay Essay Moral values can be said to be the ideals of good and immorality, which oversees a individual s workss and picks. Individual s ethical motives can be drawn from society and authorities, from spiritual strong belief, or self. Moral values can besides be defined as by and large accepted, empathic, caring, Christ-like doctrine. The bible provinces that good moral values can be observed in the political orientation and mode of behavior taught by Jesus. It seems merely to bind the definition of moral values to what is right and what is incorrect behavior held by persons. II. Morality Morality denotes a coordination of behaviour that distinguishes purpose, picks, and events between those that are right or incorrect. Immorality is the contrary of morality. III. African Moral Values Harmonizing to Mbiti ( 1990 ) , the African is notoriously and incurably spiritual. Hence a decision can be drawn that African ethical motives are intricately entwined with civilization ( African ) which is greatly dosed with religious beliefs. Consequently in order to grok the African moral values, an lineation of African faith and civilization is necessary. IV. African civilization overview Culture refers to the undermentioned ways of life, including but non limited to: Language ; Art and Sciences Idea Spiritualty Social activity Interaction a ) Religion African Traditional Religion ( ATR ) has proved to be highly complex to specify. There is no individual easy and accurate definition to explicate it. Sadly, many authors have misunderstood ATR by trying to specify it under delusory footings such as thaumaturgy, superstitious notions, crude faith, pagan religion etc. The battle to depict ATR seems to come from the fact that its extension is carried out by populating it other than prophesying it. Its protagonists are more bemused with its pattern than with its theory. ATR influence wraps all facets of life, from before the birth of a individual to long after s/he has passed off. It is a manner of life and life is at its nucleus. Thus remarks such as: For the African, faith is factually life and life is faith. Mbiti offers a sum-up of where to seek for and locate ATR: belief and imposts ; rites, ceremonials and festivals ; shrines, sacred topographic points and spiritual objects ; art and symbols ; names of people and topographic points ; music and dance ; myths and fables ; Proverbss, conundrums and wise expressions. The beliefs and patterns of ATR are based upon the religion of the old native people ( Ancestors ) . This is the ground why it is said to be traditional in contrast to other faiths, e.g. Christianity and Islam, which are considered as foreign since their tenet and patterns came from outside of Africa. There has been considerable consciousness of the duologue between Christian and African Religion. This has been made possible through ways such as bible interlingual rendition. African moral values can complement Christian moral values through the spirit of interreligious tolerance, duologue and common regard. Besides, Christian spiritualty is greatly shaped by spiritualty of African faith. Praying unites Africans and Europeans ( West ) at a religious degree. B ) The Supernatural in Autochthonal African Religions Intellectuals who study faith in Africa inform us that every African society have a belief in God. Some African faiths have faith in one supreme God who formed the universe and all that is in the universe. Other African faiths have faith in more than one God ; however even in these faiths, typically one of the Gods is said to be the supreme God who created the universe. The manner God is seen in most African faiths is both likewise and dissimilar than the manner monotheistic faiths characterize God for illustration Christianity. It teaches that there exists merely one God. African faith can complement Christian moral values by sharing constructs about God for illustration ; God maintains creative activity, God is the Godhead of everything, God provides for and guard s creative activity, God is almighty and all-knowing, God supports equity. The occult is besides important to African spiritual belief. Spirits exists between an all- powerful God and worlds. Liquors in African spiritual traditions portion a figure of features with angels in the Christian traditions. Good liquors assist in screening against sick wellness and bad luck and assistance worlds by offering rain required for harvests every bit good as animate beings used for nutrient. On the other manus, non all liquors are good. Some are viewed as immorality and are thought to be the responsible for unwellness, and other. degree Celsius ) Sense of community One African adage puts across the African sense of community. It says Travel the manner that many people go ; if you go entirely, you will hold ground to plaint . The African idea of security and its value depends on personal designation with and inside the community. For that ground, the reliable African is identified and known, by and through his community. The community is the defender of the person ; therefore we must travel where the community goes. In another significance, the community offers the African the psychological and decisive security as it gives its members both physical and ideological individuality. It must be mentioned that in the African manner of thought, the community as an entity remains, while individuals, come and travel. As a consequence, the Africans emphasis community life and communalism as a life rule of which the cardinal political orientation is community-identity. Its end is to bring forth and show an person as a community-culture carrier. Culture is a community plus and must hence be community-protected. In add-on, the person in an African community is under the kin s attention. His individualism is non given accent at the disbursal of his community individuality. This is the ground why individuality, as a tenet and codification of life, is non encouraged in Africa. The societal rules spelt out above are look of African humanitarianism. Harmonizing to Lambo ( 127 ) , the African adult male is first and foremost a member of his household, the drawn-out household, the community and his society in that order before being an person. Compared to the West s individuality, the African adult male has a societal and communal nature. The African civilization can complement with the Western civilization by incorporating individuality with the communal nature of life. vitamin D ) Sense of Hospitality Sense of cordial reception is innately important in the present endurance of African values. At all times, there is ever impulsive welcome and adjustment to unfamiliar individuals and visitants. Africans effortlessly integrated aliens and offer them lands to settle trusting that they would go forth one twenty-four hours, and the land would be returned to the proprietor. This is normally carried out with the strong belief that one will neer choose out of his ain community. Unlike the West, no assignment and particular invitation are required for one to name on a distant household member or neighbour. On reaching, when there is nutrient the visitant is invited to dine. He is handled kindly, merely as one would desire to be treated when sing another place. Africans possess a symbolic manner of demoing welcome. This is done in a assortment of ways for illustration ; in signifiers of presentation of coconuts, goora nut nuts, traditional brew, groundnuts etc. in different communities. Thes e are offered to show that he is welcome and safe. Onwubiko has observed that a invitee must non harm his host and that when he departs, he should non develop a intuition back on the manner place . ( Onwubiko, 23 ) . This societal value can complement Christian moral values to heighten unity among Africans. The bible says that we should love our neighbours as we love ourselves. By incorporating these values into Christianity, erectness is enhanced among Africans. V. Conclusion For there to be growing and development, African value system must be promoted by the leading. Falling into or copying Wstern values will merely bust up humanity as they are unusual to the doctrine of humanitarianism which is the footing of the African value system. A
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